saw the first hour in flight and the rest online. fluffy cats dancing is surely very handsome and cute- chasing game is too typically hollywood. the egg is too uncute.
始于为爱失去自由JIZZJⅠZZ亚洲大全终于为自由失去爱结尾很美湿着眼眶看完黑屏后大家纷纷鼓起了掌Hans和Viktor这对果然特别上头导演总结得好:"I repeatedly met people who felt the need to define Hans and Viktor's relationship. But is that really important? Do we need a category for everything? They share something deep and meet in their longing for love and freedom. A longing that, however strong the oppression, will always find a way in my opinion."
Trying too hard, yet end up being tedious. Charlie Kaufman is obviously better off staying as a screen writer.